While everyone continues to share an abundance of information to support protests, education of non-Black folks on racism, and the like, a big resource share that's taken over is VOTER REGISTRATION. Although people probably (and rightfully so) have mixed feelings about voting at the "big elections" there are a number of organizations and individuals providing all types of links navigating people through the process of getting registered to vote, information about when the primaries start/end for certain states, and a lot more voting information, just to make sure everyone is prepared once November gets here.
It's dope to see for sure and I hope more people do get registered to vote while exercising one of the few constitutional rights we actually (half haphazardly) get to utilize. But it doesn't stop there, it actually doesn't even begin there, it starts at home - in your local city/community. I'm big on being active in your community to bring about change you can see/feel a bit sooner than at the national level.
So I put together a brief introductory infographic that delves into who runs the cities we live in and what they do. I especially wanted to craft something to educate other Black people who may not have a clue about who their representatives are or what they do - we need to educate OUR communities/people as much as possible.
The information is not super detailed or all-inclusive, again it's an introduction after all, so didn't want to overwhelm people or myself with crafting the content. You can check out the infographic on my IG (@thedee_p) and download it for your own use later on if you like.
Take time to understand a little more about your local government and the players who create policies that impact you on a daily basis. Voting at the national level is great and the more people that turnout the better, but the same amount of fire has to be used when voting in local elections too. See what your mayor does (or who he/she is), who the city manager is, and what your city council looks like - if you think either aren't representing your community in a positive or proactive way find out when their term ends and vote 'em out or hell run for office if you're that inclined and motivated to see change. Whatever you do make sure you're doing your part at home too - policies in our local communities hit us harder (and quicker) than some policies at the national level.
"Define who you are and die about it!" ~Nipsey Hussle from Tidal interview
yours truly...
#blackplanners #planningwhileblack #whorunsthecity #localgovernmenntmatters #researchyourcity #localofficials #electedleaders #citycouncil #mayor #citymanager #blackcommunitiesmatter #exerciseyourvoice #understandyourcity #citystructure #changethenarrative